All businesses must be legally registered in the state and country in which you operate. You must also provide a true and correct business Identity number provided by your government for the business, along with proof of authority to act on behalf of the business, before registering as a business member on this website. All businesses registered on this site hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:
I hereby accept membership on CanUgrower.net and authorize Canugrower, LLC to deduct a one-time set-up fee of $500.00 upon acceptance of membership, and a recurring monthly fee of $250.00 per month, plus 5% of all sales, from the payment medium I provide, until I cancel my membership. I understand that failure to pay the monthly fee as agreed will result in suspension of my membership until said monthly membership fee Is paid or I voluntarily cancel my membership. If I decide to cancel my membership, I agree to pay all membership fees for the month of cancellation and understand that my membership will be canceled, and no monthly fees will be deducted on the following month. I also understand that upon cancellation of my membership, all products and services posted will be removed from the site.
I understand that my products and services will be posted on Canugrower.net, and its affiliate, Canugrower.com, and these Terms Of Use applies to both sites.
I further agree to hold CanUgrower, LLC harmless, defend and indemnify them in any lawsuit against me or my business regarding my actions or inaction in providing goods and services on this site, or any other actions or inaction, negligence or breach of contract by any person for any reason whatsoever.
I understand that CanUgrower, LLC is multi-vendor website. After a product or service has been purchased by a customer, CanUgrower, LLC assumes no responsibility for, and makes no guarantees regarding payment for the products or services I sell. Any legal recourse I may have concerning the products or services I sell shall be sought against the customer that ordered such products or services.
I agree to hold CanUgrower, LLC and CanUgrower.com harmless, defend and indemnify them against any lawsuits involving me or my business arising out of the purchase of any products or services I offer on this site, any other actions or inaction, negligence or breach of contract by any person or entity, for any reason whatsoever.
I hereby agree that my business is legally licensed in the state, province, county in which my event is being hosted. I hereby authorize CanUgrower, LLC to deduct a recurring monthly fee of $500.00 to post my event on Canugrower.com from the payment medium I provided, until I cancel my posting. I understand that failure to pay the monthly fee as agreed will result in suspension of my posting until said monthly posting fee Is paid or I voluntarily cancel my event posting. If I decide to cancel my posting, I agree to pay all posting fees for the month of cancellation . In further understand that my posting will be canceled and no monthly fees will be deducted on the following month. I also understand that upon cancellation of my event posting, my post will be removed from the site.
I further agree to hold CanUgrower, LLC harmless, defend and indemnify them in any lawsuit against me or my business regarding my actions or inaction in hosting my event, or any other actions or inaction, negligence or breach of contract by any person for any reason whatsoever resulting between my business and a customer on this site.
I understand that CanUgrower, LLC is multi-vendor website, and tickets for my event are sold from a link I provide to Canugrower. After my event is published, CanUgrower, LLC assumes no responsibility for, and makes no guarantees regarding payment for the tickets, coupons, discounts, or any other offer related to my event. Any legal recourse I may have concerning my event shall be sought against the individual(s) associated with purchasing tickets for my event. I agree to hold CanUgrower, LLC and CanUgrower.com harmless, defend and indemnify them against any lawsuits involving me or my business arising out of the purchase of tickets, or any products or services I offer on this site related to my event, any other actions or inaction, negligence or breach of contract by any person or entity, for any reason whatsoever.